From the time of entering puberty, the teen boys feel a change in their body and mind. Actually, it is the change of personality. The physical change is very much visible to the teens as some beards and mustache start peeping in their face. Then where is the problem?
The problem lies in the fact that every teen boy wants to have a thick, luxurious beard along with a stylish mustache. But it is not easy to get such desired facial hair because the most important fact in this regard is that the growing facial hair gene plays an important role. At the same time having lucrative facial hair is also a bit tricky.
As changing the gene is not possible at all, following several tips and changing some patterns of lifestyle will affect your beard growth positively.
There are still some factors to have a good beard of a teen and that is patience and passion. Having a well-groomed beard is not a one-night-solution.
The best natural solutions are described here –
1. Keep your facial skin clean
The most important factor for a healthy and good beard is keeping the facial skin clean. Use a good cleanser twice every day. As a result, your beard will get a good growth.
2. Use Emblic or amla oil
The oil made of emblic extract is a very good source for growing beard faster. Apply some emblic oil on the facial skin for 15-20 days.
3. Apply eucalyptus
Having a smooth skin is one of the prerequisites for a smooth and lucrative growth of beard. In the case of moisture, choose one that has the extract of eucalyptus as one of the ingredients. Eucalyptus has a magical power to keep the skin hydrated. At the same time, it removes rough and dry patches.
4. Sleep well and enough
Sleep is the most important factor for a good and healthy life. If there is a lack of sleeping, the body system will be shaken. A teen age boy needs to have 8-9 hours of sleep for a better health. Sleep is the time of growth and repair of human cells. This sound or undisturbed sleep is no doubt a major factor for growing beard.
5. Have some particular foods in good amount
Food habit has a great impact on the growth of beard. Some vitamin and mineral help a good growth of facial hair. The foods that contain Vitamin-A, B-1, vitamin-C and vitamin-E are a good source which can help growing beard fast.
6. Take Biotin supplement
Not only some habit and food need to be changed but also some new elements need to be added. Biotin has a very good effect on the hair growth. One should take 2.5 mg Biotin. But no medicine should be taken without consulting a doctor.
7. Manage stress and mental pressure
Stress and mental pressure hinder the natural growth of any human tissue. Beard is not an exception. The best way to manage the stress of daily work, meditation is a good option. On the other hand having some free hand exercise will enhance your capacity to stress management. In this way, a good facial hair can be got also.
8. Add sufficient protein in the food habit
Protein has a great effect on the growth of hair in the human body. It is because the main element of hair is protein. Thus, the people running after a good growth of facial hair should add sufficient protein in the food habit.
9. Massage of facial skin
Massaging of the facial skin improves the blood circulation under the skin. On the other hand, if you massage your facial skin, the cells of dead skin will be removed, which blocks the natural best growth of beard.
10. Ensure and increase the consumption of folic acid
Folic acid is another substance which enhances the growth of beard very quickly. Thus, the foods that contain folic acid should be added in the food habit. Folic acid is found in the leafy vegetables, cereals, peas, and nut.
Nothing is nothing for the fastest growth of facial hair. Why? Because the main factor which works behind a good grown-up beard is patience and dedication- without which nothing is possible in case of the growth of a beard.