If you like beard styles, as well as mustaches then which one you will choose? Why considering, why not go for both? Well here is your solution. There are so many beard styles that include a mustache. We are presenting you with the most popular beard styles with mustache.
Beard & mustache are correlated inextricably, like bread & butter. Most of the beard styles get that complete look along with mustache. This is the best way to represent your facial hair expression.
There are many beard with mustache styles available. But before you go for any style, the first thing you should know is how to grow your beard & mustache at a time. Here is a guide for you.
How to Grow Beard with Mustache:
You may already have tried to grow beard & mustache at a time. The problem here is that those are the facial hairs of two different areas. So the growth rate is not always the same. When you are growing beard & mustache at a time trim several times to maintain the length. Also, comb your beard & mustache for a neat look.
Another thing you should be careful about is the shape of your mustache. There are several types of mustache styles. We have an article where you will get to know the top 10 mustache styles, which are linked below. Your maintenance mostly depends on the type of mustache you want to grow. Not all mustache styles suit all types of beards. Here is a list given where you will find the most popular beard styles with mustache. Natural Ways to Make Your Beard & Mustache Grow Faster
Best Beard Styles with Mustache
1. Naturally Grown Beard with Mustache: This is the most basic style of beard with mustache. This style features your natural full beard with a mustache. You don’t need to trim or shape your beard to wear this style. Just let your beard naturally, but trim & shape your mustache to a particular style. You can choose a mustache style like Handlebar, Salvator Dali, Chevron, Cowboy or Walrus mustache. If you want to know how to style these mustaches then read our article on the top 10 mustache styles. A simple beard, but stylish mustache really looks good at anyone.
2. Stubble Beard with Mustache: If you want a style which is very simple & doesn’t take much time to style then this is the best style for. To wear this style what you need to do is let your beard & mustache grow for a while & then trim your mustache & beard using comb. You need to keep the length of the beard & mustache the same.
3. Medium Stubble Beard with Mustache: If you want your beard & mustache just the shape it grows but also wants a rough look then you can choose this style. This is the extended version of the stubble beard with mustache. Let your beard & mustache grow for at least 3 weeks then trim to make them the same length.
4. Goatee: This is one of the most popular beard styles with the mustache. This style is simple but looks really great. There are lots of Goatee Styles available. Not all of them include a mustache. But the Goatee styles which include a mustache like the Van Dyke Goatee can be your next choice. To know more about Goatee styles you can read our article on Goatee, where each & every Goatee style is explained with instructions to style them.
5. Tapered Faded Beard with Handlebar Mustache: This is one of the most popular beard styles for the young generation which includes a stylish handlebar mustache. To wear this style you need to keep your beard longer over your jawline. Then slowly fade the length of your beard. Make your beard light & stubble over your cheeks. But before styling your beard grow a handlebar mustache for a complementary look.
6. Full Beard with a Cheek Pointed Mustache Style: The name says everything about this style. To make this style you need to grow a full beard. At the same time, you need to grow your mustache as well. You need a slim mustache to fulfill this style. But the length of the corner edges of your mustache should be longer & it should be pointed to your cheeks directly.
7. Bushy Beard with Bushy Mustache: This style is all about business. This style provides the most unkempt look. To achieve this style say goodbye to your razor, trimmer & scissors goodbye for months. Don’t trim your beard at all. Let your beard & mustache grow naturally. You will see the difference when the style is ready.
8. Full Beard with a Horseshoe Mustache: Wearing a horseshoe mustache along with a full beard, that’s all about this style. This combination looks great. You need to grow a full beard with tapered edges. Then connect your mustache with the beard following the horseshoe style. But don’t cut the edges of your mustache or any beard, just let your mustache fade to your beard. Though the mustache style here calls the horseshoe style but it doesn’t look like the exact one. And of course, you need to keep the strip under your bottom lip as well.
9. Bushy Long Beard with Handlebar Mustache (Bandholz): The Bandholz style features a long bushy beard with a bushy handlebar mustache. This style looks really rugged & unkempt. Eric Bandholz is the one who wears this style with dignity. But you need to wait a very long time to achieve this style. So think twice before going for this style.
10. Boxed Beard with Mustache: the Boxed beard is the neat & tidy version of a stubble beard with sharp edges. And this style features a boxed beard with a mustache. Grow a full beard with a mustache for weeks then trim to the same length. Make sharp edges to your cheekbones & jawlines. Make your mustache a bit narrower & connect to your beard, you have your style.
11. Chin Curtain with Handlebar Mustache: For this particular style first you need to style a handlebar mustache. Also, you need a thick curtain alike beard on your chin & neckbone. Grow a full beard, just keep the chin area plumy with sharp edges. To follow this style you need to keep your handlebar mustache separate from your beard & there will be a significant gap between your beard & mustache.
12. Short Stubble Beard with Walrus Mustache: This beard & mustache combination is very popular in the Indian subcontinent among middle-aged men. This style features a Walrus mustache along with a stubble beard. The mustache is highlighted more here & the beard is kept very small.
13. Lined Up Beard with Mustache: The perfect example of this style is the beard style of Drake. This Canadian artist has been following this beard style for a long time. To make this style you must have the ability to grow a thick beard. You need to make the lines & edges as perfect as possible to maintain this style. There will be a sharp line that started from the side of your lips following an upward direction. You need to make your mustache a bit narrower & then connect it to your beard besides your lips. Trim your beard & mustache every day & keep those lines sharp to look as fabulous as Drake.
14. Mutton Chops Beard with Scruffy Mustache: This beard style includes long & bushy flared sideburns connected to your scruffy mustache. It’s a very old & classic beard style along with a mustache. You need to shave all the beards except the sideburns & mustache. The beard & mustache will remain bushy to maintain this style.
15. Gunslinger Beard Style: You can call this style the polished style of mutton chops beard. It includes flared sideburns along with a horseshoe mustache. But the sideburns should be neatly trimmed & edges will be sharp. Style a horseshoe mustache & connect your beard with the ends of your mustache.
16. Longbeard with Mustache: Most of the long beard styles includes a thick mustache. The most popular long beard styles which include a mustache are the boss, garibaldi, warrior, straight to the point, rebellion, hipsters, polished, etc. You can read all the details about these styles in our article named Best Long Beard Styles which is linked below.
There is no doubt that the beard with mustache styles look great on any man. What you need to do is choose the right one & maintain the style. In the case of most of the beard with mustache styles, you need regular maintenance for both your beard & mustache. So choose wisely, think twice before choosing one, whether you have the time & ability to wear that or not. And the last but least thing you should know, cleanliness is the main key to keep your beard style look gorgeous. So clean & comb your beard & mustache every day.
Recommended Best Guide For Men’s Styles and Shaving Products:
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Wow, I didnt knew that!
very interesting!